By completing and submitting a loan request to be connected with a lender and/or lending partner through the website (the “site”), you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement as well as the privacy policy posted to this site, which is incorporated into this agreement by reference. As such, you must read this agreement and the privacy policy before completing and submitting your loan request. If you do not agree with these terms of service and the privacy policy, you are not granted permission to access or otherwise use our loan connecting service.

The terms and conditions stated in this Terms of Service Agreement (“Agreement”) govern your use of the loan connecting service (“Service”), as made available through the Site. Before downloading, accessing, or using any part of the Service, you should carefully review the following Agreement. We provide the Service to you only on the condition that you accept and agree to all the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement. This Agreement will take effect the moment you submit your Loan Request Form (“Loan Request Form”, “Loan Request”, “Request Form”, or “Form) to relate to one or more lenders and/or lending partners participating in our marketplace (“Marketplace Participants”), and/or begin downloading, accessing, or using the Service, whichever is earliest.

All references herein to “we” mean Search including its successors and assigns, which operates the Site and the Service. All references herein to “Individual” or “you” refer to any user of this Site and the Service. is not a lender and/or lending partner, does not broker loans, and does not make cash advances or credit decisions. This site does not constitute an offer or solicitation to lend. We will share your loan request information with one or more marketplace participants. We do not guarantee that you will be connected with a lender and/or lending partner; any particular loan program; that you will receive a loan. We do not guarantee that the price, product, availability, rates, fees, or any other loan terms offered and made available by marketplace participants through this service are the best terms available in the market. Not all marketplace participants participating in this service can provide your requested loan amount or the most favorable repayment terms. You are providing express written consent under the fair credit reporting act for our lenders and/or lending partners with whom you are connected to obtain your consumer credit report from your credit profile or other information from contracted credit bureau(s) associated with your pre-qualification for credit inquiry.

1. Eligibility Requirements
You must be at least 18 years of age (or the age of majority in your state of residence) to set up an Account. If you provide any false, inaccurate, untrue, or incomplete information in your Loan Request Form, we may immediately terminate your access to and use of the Service. It is your responsibility to keep the confidentiality of any username(s) and password(s) associated with your Loan Request Form. THE SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF CONNECTICUT, NEW HAMPSHIRE, WASHINGTON & VERMONT OR TO ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY.
2. Loan Request Process
The Service attempts to connect Individuals who complete and submit a Loan Request with one or more Marketplace Participants. To use the Service, you must complete and submit the information requested in the Loan Request Form, which information may include (by way of example and not limitation) your name, street address, telephone number, date of birth, banking account information, desired loan amount, social security number, employment information, and any other information requested at the time of collection. Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be disclosed unless relied upon for credit. You represent and warrant that the information you provide to us through your Loan Request Form is accurate and truthful. If you do not provide such information in such manner, we reserve the right to deny, suspend, or terminate Service. We reserve the right to refuse to provide the Service to you, in our sole discretion, with or without cause.

By submitting your loan request you are providing written consent under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its Marketplace participants and agree that (a) you are submitting an inquiry to us about loan products offered by Marketplace Participants, (b) we will share some or all of your loan request information with Marketplace Participants, consistent with the terms of our Privacy Policy, and (c) your consent allows Marketplace Participants to review, verify, and research your information in real-time or otherwise for pre-qualification purposes and to determine whether you may qualify to receive a loan from them, including by verifying your social security number, reviewing your information against nation databases of consumer financial transaction information, performing a credit check with TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax, and/or taking any other steps necessary to make a decision on whether to extend credit or advance cash.

CONSENT FOR ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES, RECORDS, AND DISCLOSURES (“E-Consent”) Please read this information carefully and print a copy and/or retain this information for future reference.
Introduction. You are submitting a request to be connected with one of our Marketplace Participants. In order to offer you a loan, the Marketplace Participants need your consent to use and accept electronic signatures, records, and disclosures (“E-Consent”). This form notifies you of your rights when receiving electronic disclosures, notices, and information. By clicking on the link assenting to our terms, you acknowledge that you received this E-Consent and that you consent to conduct transactions using electronic signatures, electronic disclosures, electronic records, and electronic contract documents (“Disclosures”).
Option for Paper or Non-Electronic Records. You may request any Disclosures in paper copy by contacting the Marketplace Participants directly. The lenders and/or lending partners will retain all Disclosures as applicable law requires.
Scope of Consent. This E-Consent applies to all interactions online concerning you and the Marketplace Participants and includes those interactions engaged in on any mobile device, including phones, smart-phones, and tablets. By exercising this E-Consent, the Marketplace Participants may process your information and interact during all online interactions with you electronically. The Marketplace Participants may also send you notices electronically related to its interactions and transactions. Disclosures may be provided online at our or Marketplace Participants’ websites, and may be provided by e-mail.
Consenting to Do Business Electronically. Before you decide to do business electronically with the Marketplace Participants, you should consider whether you have the required hardware and software capabilities described below.
Hardware and Software Requirements. To access and retain the Disclosures electronically, you will need to use the following computer software and hardware: A PC or MAC compatible computer or other device capable of accessing the Internet, access to an e-mail account, and an Internet Browser software program that supports at least 128 bit encryption, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer, Netscape® or Mozilla Firefox®. To read some documents, you may need a PDF file reader like Adobe® Acrobat Reader X ® or Foxit®. You will need a printer or a long-term storage device, such as your computer’s disk drive, to retain a copy of the Disclosures for future reference. You may send any questions regarding the hardware and software requirements directly to the Marketplace Participants.
Withdrawing Consent. Your E-Consent for our connecting service and for our Marketplace Participants’ consideration of your connecting request cannot be withdrawn because it is a one-time transaction. If you are connected with one or more Marketplace Participants, you are free to withdraw your E-Consent with them at any time and at no charge. However, if you withdraw this E-Consent before receiving credit, you may be prevented from obtaining credit from the Marketplace Participant. Contact the Marketplace Participant directly if you wish to withdraw this E-Consent. If you decide to withdraw this E-Consent, the legal effectiveness, validity, and enforceability of prior electronic Disclosures will not be affected.
Change to Your Contact Information. You should keep Marketplace Participants informed of any change in your electronic address or mailing address. You may update such information by logging into the Marketplace Participants’ website or by sending the Marketplace Participants a written update by mail.

Your ability to access disclosures. By clicking the link, you assent to our terms. You acknowledge that you can access the disclosures in the designated formats described above.

Consent. By clicking the link, you assent to the terms. You acknowledge you have read this information about electronic signatures, records, disclosures, and doing business electronically. You consent to using electronic signatures, having all disclosures provided or made available to you in electronic form and to doing business with the marketplace participant electronically. You acknowledge that you may request a paper copy of the electronic records and disclosures, which will be provided to you at no charge. If you refrain from proceeding then you neither wish to use electronic signatures nor conduct this transaction electronically. You also acknowledge that your consent to electronic disclosures is required to receive services from marketplace participants over the internet.

Under the federal E-SIGN Act and related state laws, with your consent, we can deliver such required information to you electronically and can use electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with your transactions with Marketplace Participants in our network. If you do not want to receive the required information electronically, or do not want to use electronic signatures in connection with your transactions with the Marketplace Participants, you should not agree to the terms of this agreement. If you do not consent to receiving the required information electronically, or do not consent to the use of electronic signatures in connection with your transactions with Marketplace Participants in our network, we will not be able to proceed with you.
3. Information Review Process
If one or more Marketplace Participants review your Loan Request information and determine that you meet its loan qualification criteria, we will provide you the name(s) and contact information of the Marketplace Participant(s) or redirect your browser to their website. Once we connect you with a Marketplace Participant in either manner, we have no further involvement in the Loan Request Form or approval process. Your subsequent interactions with them are subject to their privacy policies, terms of use, and other policies or terms enforced by that Marketplace Participant. In addition, Marketplace Participants who review your information may contact you at a later time to offer their products and services to you.

I expressly authorize the Marketplace Participant I am connected with to share among its affiliates, loan servicers, and bank partners any transaction history related to my financial products or services received or serviced through the Marketplace Participant for the purpose of evaluating me for credit.

We are not responsible for any failure or delay in providing the Service caused by errors, inaccuracies, or falsity in any of the Loan Request Form information provided by your or by any technical problems beyond our reasonable control.

We are not an agent of you or any Marketplace Participant. We are not involved with the Marketplace Participant’s review and/or use of your Loan Request information or in making a determination about whether you meet a particular Marketplace Participant’s loan qualification criteria. We do not recommend or endorse the products of any particular Marketplace Participant. The Marketplace Participant is solely responsible for its services to you, and you agree that we shall not be liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the Service. You understand that Marketplace Participant may keep your Loan Request information for their own business and marketing purposes, whether or not you qualify for a loan with them.
4. Use License
Any and all intellectual property rights (“Intellectual Property”) associated with the Website and its contents (the “Content”) are the sole property of, its affiliates or third parties. The Content is protected by copyright and other laws in both the United States and other countries. Elements of the Website are also protected by trade dress, trade secret, unfair competition, and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. All custom graphics, icons, and other items that appear on the Website are trademarks, service marks or trade dress (“Marks”) of, its affiliates or other entities that have granted the right and license to use such Marks and may not be used or interfered with in any manner without the express written consent of Except as otherwise expressly authorized by these Terms of Service, You may not copy, reproduce, modify, lease, loan, sell, create derivative works from, upload, transmit, or distribute the Intellectual Property of the Website in any way without’s or the appropriate third party’s prior written permission. Except as expressly provided herein, does not grant to You any express or implied rights to’s or any third party’s Intellectual Property. grants You a limited, personal, nontransferable, no sublicensable, revocable license to (a) access and use only the Website, Content and Services only in the manner presented by, and (b) access and use the computer and network services offered within the Website (the ” Systems”) only in the manner expressly permitted by Except for this limited license, does not convey any interest in or to the Systems, information or data available via the Systems (the “Information”), Content, Services, Website or any other property by permitting You to access the Website. Except to the extent required by law or as expressly provided herein, none of the Content and/or Information may be reverse-engineered, modified, reproduced, republished, translated into any language or computer language, re-transmitted in any form or by any means, resold or redistributed without the prior written consent of You may not make, sell, offer for sale, modify, reproduce, display, publicly perform, import, distribute, retransmit or otherwise use the Content in any way, unless expressly permitted to do so by
5. Code of Conduct
By using our Website, you agree to comply with these Terms of Service, and to follow our Code of Conduct, which is set out below. Under this Code, you shall not:
Use the Website in a manner that could disable, overburden or impair the Website or interfere with any other parties’ use and enjoyment of the Website.
Seek to obtain access to or acquire material or information that we have not intentionally made available to you on the Website through “hacking,” “scraping,” or other means.
Submit information or material that is false, fraudulent, misleading defamatory, threatening or harassing, or otherwise unlawful.
Transmit material through the Website that you know or should know contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer-programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.

By using our Website and our services, you represent that you have taken appropriate steps to secure your computing device, including, but not limited to, using an updated operating system, using anti-virus software, and conducting periodic scans for malware, viruses, or other harmful material.
Monitoring; Revocation or Suspension of Use Privileges
You agree that we may at any time (i) monitor your use of the Website, and (ii) terminate or suspend your access to or use of some or all of the Site or Services if you engage in conduct that we determine, in our sole and absolute discretion, violates the Code of Conduct, these Terms or our Privacy Policy. Although we disclaim any obligation to monitor activities on the Website, you acknowledge and agree that we may employ filters and other measures designed to detect and block inappropriate content described in our Code of Conduct. We reserve the right at all times to (i) require changes to your submission, (ii) refuse to post any information or material, or (iii) remove in whole or in part, any information or material that we determine, in our sole and absolute discretion, violates our Code of Conduct.

You should also understand that under applicable law, making false, fraudulent or misleading statements or representations in connection with an application for a loan may expose you to civil and criminal liability. You agree that we are authorized at all times to disclose information we deem necessary or appropriate to satisfy our obligations under any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, consistent with our Privacy Policy.
6. Disclaimer Of Warranties, Release, And Limitation Of Liability makes no representations about the results to be obtained from using the website, the systems, the services, the information or the content. The use of same is at your own risk.

The website, the systems, the information, the services and the content are provided on an “as is” basis., its licensors, and its suppliers, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties’ rights, and fitness for a particular purpose. and its affiliates, licensors and suppliers make no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, security or timeliness of the content, information or services provided on or through the use of the website or the systems. No information obtained by you from the website shall create any warranty not expressly stated by in these terms of service.

If you reside in a jurisdiction that does not allow limitations on implied warranty, the limitations and exclusions in this section do not apply to you. If you are a consumer, your statutory rights that are not subject to waiver are not affected by these provisions. You agree and acknowledge that the limitations and exclusions of liability and warranty provided in these terms of service are fair and reasonable.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the website or services, even if has been notified of the possibility of such damages. Except for a party’s liability arising under, or as a result of gross negligence, fraud, or willful misconduct, in no event will such party be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages (including but not limited to legal fees and expenses), whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, that may arise out of or in connection with this website or the services under any theory, including but not limited to, breach of contract, breach of warranty, or negligence. In no event will either party be liable for punitive or exemplary damages.
You agree that you shall indemnify, defend and hold, its officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims by third parties to the extent arising from or related to (a) your use of the Website, Content and Services, (b) a material breach by you of any agreement, obligation, representation or warranty contained these Terms of Service or the Privacy Policy, (c) your actual or alleged negligence, gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud related to your duties or obligations under the Code of Conduct (c) a material violation by you of any applicable law including, without limitation, applicable law relating to the security and/or privacy of nonpublic personal information; and (d) the infringement of copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights relating to use of the Website as authorized by these Terms.
7. Termination
We may temporarily or permanently stop providing the Service (or any features within the Service) to you, or terminate this Agreement, at any time if (a) you have breached any provision of this Agreement, (b) we are required to do so by law, (c) we believe, in our sole discretion, that you have committed fraud with respect to your access to and use of the Service, (d) the Marketplace Participants or other business partner with whom we offer the Service to you has terminated its relationship with us, (e) the provision of the Service to you by us is, in our sole opinion, no longer commercially viable, or (f) we are no longer providing the Service to customers in the jurisdiction in which you reside or from which you use the Service. Termination is effective without notice.
8. Miscellaneous
This Agreement, including the Privacy Policy which is incorporated herein, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your use of the Service. No waiver by either party of any breach or default hereunder is a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default.

Section headlines are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the enforceability of any other provisions contained in this Agreement and the remaining portions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. You agree that this Agreement and all agreements and notices incorporated herein may be automatically assigned by us, in our sole discretion, to a third party. You may not assign your obligations to any other person or entity.